Can Laser Treatment Improve Speech Issues Caused by Dental Problems?

Can Laser Treatment Improve Speech Issues Caused by Dental Problems?

Blog Article

Speech difficulties often arise due to some dental problems like tongue-tie, decay in teeth alignment, or gum abnormalities. Although the traditional methods mostly involve surgery or orthodontics, laser treatment is a better alternative as it is minimally invasive and very effective. Our expert team, led by the best dentist in Sewri East, provides laser treatment to the patient, helping improve speech problems caused by dental problems.

Laser dentistry can be used in tongue-tie treatment, which is actually defined as an ankyloglossia that refers to the problem where the tongue frenulum is too tightly attached or or that under the tongue is too short, it is unable to properly move and even speak. Such condition is treated using a laser frenectomy which removes the fibrous tissue without pain, granting better tongue movement and more well-pronounced speech. Another benefit provided by the laser is removal of excess tissue by gum contouring to gradually adjust the form of gums that eventually cause improper speech clarity. Lasers also work fine for sores in the mouth, for inflammatory conditions, and for misaligned teeth as they relate to pain and discomfort in speech. The best part is that it is absolutely without pain and does not take up much time and leaves very few care requirements, making it one of the most favorable treatments for everyone-from kid to grownup.

If you are also facing speech problems due to dental difficulties, visit Smile Again Dental Clinic for revolutionary laser treatment, which promises safety with adequacy in results. Schedule an appointment today with the best dentist in Sewri East and enhance your dental health as well as your speech with modern laser dentistry!

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